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Renew your Associate Membership

Renew your Library Membership, either by visiting the Philson Library during opening hours or by emailing

  • House Officers and Registrars - email us your surname, first name, date of birth, physical home address and contact phone (mobile or work).
  • All other Te Toka Tumai Auckland staff - email us:
    • Your surname, first name, date of birth, physical home address and contact phone (mobile or work).
    • A clear scanned copy of your Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland ID card. You must renew your Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland ID card if it has expired.

Your Campus Card (ID) and password will reactivate on renewal of your Associate Membership.


  • Check the date of issue on the front of your Campus Card (ID) - if it is older than six years, a new photo will be required. See instructions for getting Campus Card (ID).