Reference management

Whether you are writing papers, reports, guidelines or undertaking research for professional development, reference management software allows you to:

  • Store and manage your references, e.g. articles, books, chapters.
  • Easily import references from PubMed and other databases.
  • Attach the full text of articles.
  • Add your own notes and keywords.
  • Sort, search, and automatically incorporate your references into papers you are writing.
  • Ensure your references are cited consistently.

Reference management software


  • We are unable to provide EndNote for Te Toka Tumai Auckland staff. Check whether it is available to purchase via your department.
  • Te Toka Tumai staff who also have University of Auckland honorary clinical appointments may download EndNote via the University of Auckland to use at home for $8.25. See: EndNote Licence

Other software

  • RefWorks (annual subscription or free to University of Auckland staff and students).
  • Mendeley (free)
  • Zotero (free)
