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Training and consultations

Need evidence to support patient care? Looking to update hospital guidelines or extend your professional development?

We provide

  • Individual one-on-one research consultations. The best searches combine your subject expertise with our searching expertise. However, if you are unable to meet with us, you may also use the online request a literature search form and we will email search results to you.
  • In-service training workshops tailored for your team or department on a range of topics. We run sessions in Te Toka Tumai Auckland departments, Te Toka Tumai Auckland computer training rooms, or in the Philson Library computer training room.

We can cover

  • Appropriate search strategies and databases for your topic or clinical needs
  • How to search specific databases
  • Evidence-based searching or clinical queries
  • Advice for systematic reviews
  • Keeping current using email alerts, e.g. topic and journal table of content alerts
  • Library orientations and refreshers

How to book